Child Guarantee

The European Child Guarantee (ECG) is a Recommendation of the Council of the European Union (Recommendation (EU) 2021/1004 of the Council of 14 June 2021 establishing a European Child Guarantee unanimously approved by the Member States on 14 June 2021, aimed at preventing and combating child poverty, breaking its intergenerational transmission cycle, and promoting equal opportunities by ensuring that children and adolescents at risk of poverty or social exclusion have effective and free access to a set of basic services: Early childhood education and care, Healthcare, Education and extracurricular activities, Adequate housing, At least one healthy meal per school day, Healthy nutrition.

Basic services ECG


The European Child Guarantee in Spain

It is developed through the State Action Plan for the implementation of the European Child Guarantee (2022-2030) approved on July 5, 2022.

Our vision of the European Child Guarantee is that… 

All girls, boys, and adolescents have the conditions, means, and basic services that allow them to exercise their rights, enjoy well-being, and fully develop as individuals in an equitable environment. They can live in safe environments and develop their capabilities and potential within the framework of an egalitarian and inclusive society that guarantees equal rights and opportunities from early childhood.

Our mission of the European Child Guarantee is...

To promote the implementation of measures from public administration, in close cooperation with civil society and other stakeholders, that ensure children and adolescents fully enjoy their rights equally, prevent and combat social exclusion and child poverty, ensure equal opportunities, avoid discrimination, and promote the active participation of vulnerable children and adolescents in policies that affect them, breaking the cycle of poverty and social exclusion.

Action Plan ECG


Coordination of the European Child Guarantee in Spain

The General Directorate for the Rights of Children and Adolescents (DGDIA), under the Secretariat of State for Youth and Childhood of the Ministry of Youth and Childhood, is responsible for the coordination and supervision of the ECG at the state level.

The governance system of the Plan has a political level (interministerial and sectoral conferences), an operational level (among the General State Administration, Autonomous Communities/Cities, and municipalities), and a consultative level (mechanisms for the participation of civil society, children, and adolescents).

Friendly version State Action Plan

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