
Headquarters: Central Services. Paseo del Prado 18-20
Central Services
Phone: +34 91 596 10 00
Headquarters: Directorate General of Children's and Adolescents' Rights. Calle Alcalá, 27
Directorate General of Children's and Adolescents' Rights
Phones: +34 91 596 42 62+34 91 596 10 92
Headquarters: Youth Institute (Injuve). Calle Marques de Riscal, 16
Youth Institute (Injuve)
Phone: +34 91 782 76 00
Headquarters: Youth Institute (Injuve). Calle Ortega y Gasset, 71
Youth Institute (Injuve)
Phone: +34 91 782 76 00
Headquarters: CeulaJ (Euro-Latin American Youth Center). Avenida de América s/n
CeulaJ (Euro-Latin American Youth Center)
Phone: +34 95 196 05 00
More information about INJUVE offices

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