Information and attention to citizenship

General inquiries

The INFORMATION AND CITIZEN SERVICE OFFICE (OIAC) provides citizens with the necessary administrative information that allows them to access the knowledge of their rights and obligations, as well as the use of public goods and services, in accordance with the provisions of Royal Decree 208/1996, of February 9, which regulates administrative information and citizen service services.

Citizen attention to receive general information about the Ministry of Youth and Childhood, its organizational structure, and the regular operation of the services will be carried out through the email designated for this purpose ( or through the following forms:

     -    Online by accessing this form          
     -   Download form to submit your application in person.

Complaints and Suggestions of the Ministry of Youth and Childhood.

In accordance with the provisions of Article 15 of Royal Decree 951/2005, of July 29, which establishes the general framework for improving quality in the General State Administration, citizens may submit their complaints or suggestions in person, by postal mail, or by telematic means.

Complaints and suggestions regarding any unit of the Ministry of Youth and Childhood can be managed electronically or in person at the Ministry's Registry located at Pº del Prado 18-20 in Madrid and at any of the Registries authorized in section 4 of article 16 of Law 39/2015, of October 1, of the Common Administrative Procedure of Public Administrations or by postal mail.

Submit your complaint or suggestion through the General Electronic Registry of the General State Administration

Download form to submit your complaint in person.

Once the complaint or suggestion has been received, whether by electronic or in-person means, the corresponding Responsible Unit must inform the citizen within 20 working days. This period may be suspended if the interested party needs to provide necessary clarifications for the proper processing of the complaint or suggestion within 10 working days.

If no response has been received within the given period, the interested party may contact the General Inspection of Services of the Ministry of Youth and Childhood via email at to understand the reasons for the lack of response and for the Inspection to propose, if necessary, to the competent bodies the adoption of appropriate measures.

Registry Office of the Ministry of Youth and Childhood:

Paseo del Prado 18-20 (28071-Madrid)

Telephone and in-person assistance of the Registration Assistance Office:

  • Winter hours (September 16 to June 15)
    • Monday to Friday: 9:00 to 17:30 h.
  • Summer hours (June 16 to September 15)
    • Monday to Friday: 8:00 to 15:00 h.
  • Telephones: 
    • 915 96 42 62
    • 915 96 10 92

No prior appointment will be necessary for in-person assistance in submitting documentation, although appointments will still be available for those who wish to schedule one exclusively through the following email: providing name and surname, ID, contact phone, email, and requested procedure.

Document registration regulations

  • Law 39/2015, of October 1, of the Common Administrative Procedure of Public Administrations
  • Law 40/2015, of October 1, of the Legal Regime of the Public Sector
  • Royal Decree 772/1999, of May 7, which regulates the submission of applications, writings, and communications to the General State Administration, the issuance of copies of documents and return of originals, and the regime of registry offices, as amended by Royal Decree 209/2003, of February 21, which regulates telematic registers and notifications, as well as the use of telematic means for the substitution of certificate submission by citizens


Personal Data

Consult the information in the personal data section.

Automatically translated with OpenAI from Spanish