DGDIA's own software applications for generating statistics

In the General Directorate for Children's and Adolescents' Rights, the following applications are used:

1. ADIN: International Adoption

The International Adoption web application (hereinafter, ADIN) aims to facilitate the processing of adoption files for minors from other countries.

Through this tool, the autonomous communities record data related to the international adoption process in its different phases: family offer, suitability assessment, sending files to accredited intermediation organizations in international adoption or to the countries of origin (in the case of that these dossiers are processed through the public route), assignment of the child to the family and adoption sentence.

In compliance with what is established in chapter VI of Royal Decree 573/2023, of July 4, which approves the Regulation on International Adoption, the National Registry of Accredited International Adoption Organizations and Claims and Incidents is created and organized, unique for the entire national territory, with assignment and dependence on the General Directorate of Children's and Adolescent's Rights. The Registry is also carried out through the ADIN computer system, to which public entities will have access, for the introduction and consultation of accredited organization data.

The aforementioned Registry consists of two sections:

  • Registry of Accredited Organizations. The first section of the Registry will be public, general, and free.
  • Registry of Claims and Incidents. In the second section of the Registry, the claims and incidents presented by any user of an intermediation organization will be noted, in relation to the services provided by these, both in Spain and in the country of origin, as well as the estimation or dismissal of the communicated claim or incident.

2. Unified Registry of cases of suspected child abuse (RUMI)

In order to obtain updated statistics on the detection, recording, and reporting of cases of child abuse, the Interautonomic Children's Commission agreed to create an online computer application for recording notifications of suspected cases of child abuse. This provision was endorsed by article 22 ter of the Organic Law 1/1996, of January 15th, on Legal Protection of Minors, partially amending the Civil Code and the Civil Procedure Law (reform carried out by Law 26/2015):

Article 22 ter. Information system on the protection of children and adolescents.    
The Autonomous Communities and the General State Administration will establish a shared information system that allows uniform knowledge of the state of child and adolescent protection in Spain, and of offers for placement and adoption, with data disaggregated by gender and disability, both for monitoring specific child protection measures and for statistical purposes. For these same purposes, the Unified Child Abuse Registry will be developed.

The computer application, in operation since 2010, allows the Autonomous Communities to incorporate their data and offers national statistics that are annually integrated into the Statistical Bulletin of Child Protection Measures. Although in use, it is an obsolete application that aims to be replaced by the Unified Social Services Registry on Violence against Children (RUSSVI) when it becomes operational.

3. Unified Registry of Social Services on Violence against Children (RUSSVI)

The RUSSVI will replace the RUMI as the statistical information source on cases of violence against children and adolescents from primary care social services, together with those from the public child protection entity. It is contemplated in article 44 of Organic Law 8/2021, of June 4th, on comprehensive protection of children and adolescents against violence:

Article 44. Monitoring and recording of cases of violence against minors    
1. Primary care social services must establish, in accordance with the procedure regulated in each autonomous community, a system for monitoring and recording cases of violence against children and adolescents, in which received notifications and communications, confirmed cases and various measures implemented in relation to the intervention of said social services are recorded. 
2. Statistical information on cases of violence against children and adolescents from primary care social services, together with those from the public child protection entity, will be incorporated, with the established breakdown, into the Unified Child Abuse Registry referred to in article 22 ter of Organic Law 1/1996, of January 15th, which is now called the Unified Registry of Social Services on Violence against Children (hereinafter RUSSVI).

The application is currently in the pre-production and testing phase, and a launch plan has been designed through its piloting in several autonomous communities.

4. Central Registry of information on violence against children and adolescents (RCIVIA)   

This Registry is contemplated in article 56 of the LOPIVI, and the Royal Decree of creation is pending approval (the public consultation phase concluded).

Article 56. Central Registry of information on violence against children and adolescents.        
1. With the aim of sharing information that allows uniform knowledge of the situation of violence against children and adolescents, the Government will, through a royal decree, establish the creation of the Central Registry of information on violence against children and adolescents, including specific information and the procedure through which the General Council of the Judiciary, the Security Forces and Corps, the RUSSVI, and various public administrations must provide the required data to the registry. 
The royal decree will specify the information to be notified anonymously to the Registry, which will at least include the following aspects:        
a) Regarding victims: age, sex, type of violence, severity, nationality, and, if applicable, disability.        
b) Regarding perpetrators: age, sex, and relationship with the victim.        
c) Police information (complaints, victimizations, etc.) and judicial information.        
d) Measures implemented against violence towards children and adolescents. 
2. The Central Registry of information on violence against children and adolescents will be organically attached to the ministerial department responsible for childhood policies.        
3. With the data obtained from the Registry, an annual report on the situation of violence against children and adolescents will be published, which will be given the widest possible publicity.

5. Interterritorial Allocation Mechanism (MIASI) 

In compliance with the Fifth Additional Provision of Law 26/2015, of July 28, on the modification of the child and adolescent protection system, the Interterritorial Allocation Mechanism (MIASI) was developed in collaboration with the Autonomous Communities, a web application to facilitate the assignment to suitable families of minors with a specific profile, in whose Autonomous Community there are no suitable families for their placement, or it is necessary for it to be carried out by a different Community from their residence. Additionally, Section Nine, points 2 and 3, and Section Eleven of the Protocol for the coordination of actions by public entities competent in the protection of minors, in cases of transfers, indicate the need to establish systems that facilitate minors being protected with measures implemented in Autonomous Communities different from their residence. The MIASI application is currently operational, although the level of use by the Autonomous Communities is quite low, as other communication channels are established among them for this purpose.

6. Web application for monitoring the progress of the implementation of the European Child Guarantee (GIE) in Spain.

It is configured as the main tool for the annual collection of information on the implemented actions that contribute to achieving the objectives established in the “State Plan for the implementation of the GIE in Spain 2022-2030” (PAEGIE).

The tool is being developed as an efficient information collection system from the autonomous communities, taking into account the information needs that must be collected at the central level and at the level of the Autonomous Communities and Cities, the requirements of the PAEGIE monitoring and evaluation system, and the functionality to collect a large amount of data that serves as a basis for preparing the national and biennial progress reports of the GIE in Spain.  Currently, the DGDIA is internally developing this web application which, once developed, will allow the agile and efficient collection of information and visualization of the planning and progress of the Plan.

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