Other statistics produced or consulted by the DGDIA

1. Childhood in Data

The website "Childhood in Data" (link) allows the search for information by geographic area (Autonomous Communities and Cities) and by different dimensions of child welfare, disaggregating the data by categories such as gender, age, or origin depending on the available data. For its correct functioning, it requires the updated data of each of the indicators. 

There are 97 indicators distributed in 7 well-being dimensions:

  • Education
  • Health and safety
  • Material well-being
  • Family and social environment
  • Vulnerable childhood
  • Leisure and free time
  • Subjective well-being

2. Statistics of the 116111 Child Helpline 

116111 is the Child and Adolescent Care number, a free and confidential service for children and young people under 18. It is a harmonized number of social interest that operates in European Union countries for the protection of children and adolescents and that, in most Autonomous Communities of Spain, is provided through the Foundation for Help to Children and Adolescents at Risk (ANAR). Based on the Resolution of January 12, 2010, of the Secretariat of State for Telecommunications and the Information Society, the data of the 116111 helpline is requested annually from the Autonomous Communities and the ANAR Foundation for the preparation of this statistic.

3. Consultation of Other Statistics

Regarding statistics that the DGDIA requests from third parties, it is important to highlight:

  • Within the Central Expatriate Registry (ADEXTTRA), dependent on the Ministry of the Interior, the specific section of the Registry of Unaccompanied Minors (RMENA), indispensable information for the development of the Management Model for Migratory Contingencies for unaccompanied children and adolescents, through which unaccompanied migrant children and adolescents (NNAMNA) are transferred.
  • The statistical data of the Criminality Statistical System, especially visualizing victimizations of minors, as a source of information especially for the incidence of violence in childhood and adolescence.
  • The data from the National Institute of Statistics in a multitude of fields, from demographic and population fields, such as the Living Conditions Survey, income data by Autonomous Communities, statistical data from the Survey on equipment and use of information and communication technologies in households, etc. These data are used both for the calculation of the percentage of the child population concerning the total in our statistical bulletins, as for the drafting of documents related to the European Child Guarantee, for the preparation of documents related to digital competencies, etc.
  • Finally, studies related to the areas in which the Ministry works, conducted by Third Sector organizations, such as the statistics offered by the ANAR Foundation, the studies conducted by the Federation of Entities with Assisted Projects and Flats (FEPA) or the Nuevo Futuro Foundation, to name just a few examples, are also consulted.

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