Rego will address measures against child poverty with the Autonomous Communities on June 11

Wednesday, 5 June 2024
State Pact to Eradicate Child Poverty

The minister defends increasing public investment within the framework of efforts for a State Pact to eradicate child poverty

Automatically translated with OpenAI from Spanish

Madrid, June 5, 2024.- The Minister of Youth and Children, Sira Rego, will discuss the situation of child poverty in Spain with the Autonomous Communities (CCAA) next week, also at the regional level. During the Sectoral Conference scheduled for June 11, she will also address measures aimed at increasing public investment and improving the living conditions of families within the framework of the State Pact against child poverty. 

The minister will ask the CCAA to carry out a diagnosis of the situation of child poverty and ongoing initiatives in their territory. “We pursue concrete measures, articulated around a fundamental principle: increasing public investment in child policies to approach the European average,” Rego highlighted. “We need to make an effort in public policy investment,” she added. 

In the framework of the preparatory work for the State Pact to eradicate child poverty, the head of Children and Youth met today with representatives of the European Network Against Poverty and Social Exclusion (EAPN) in Spain. 

The Minister of Youth and Children valued the report The State of Poverty in Spain presented this Tuesday by the network, “a key instrument” that contributes to the diagnosis and appropriate measures for drafting the State Pact. “We have come to share information and work on the concrete,” she assured. 

Rego also emphasized the need to act on multiple levels. Specifically, she pointed to the impact of rising housing prices on the living conditions of working families and the importance of intervening to tackle it. “Responsibilities need to be assessed, measures proposed, and compliance with the measures already deployed by the central Government must be demanded,” she stressed.

Automatically translated with OpenAI from Spanish

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