Rego: "Let us listen to boys and girls and recognize them as active subjects of rights"

Friday, 22 March 2024
Vicarious Violence Meeting 2023

The minister has announced the creation of a working group together with the organizers of the III State Meeting Vicarious Violence and Institutional Gender Violence in Spain.

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Barcelona, March 22, 2024.- The Minister of Youth and Childhood, Sira Rego, stated this Friday the need to make visible and name the victims of vicarious violence and gender violence in our country. As well as the urgency of listening to boys and girls, “active subjects of rights who, like adults, must be able to express their opinions on decisions that affect them and are relevant to their lives.” 

Rego, who made these statements during the opening of the III State Meeting Vicarious Violence and Institutional Gender Violence in Spain, held at the Illustrious Bar Association of Barcelona (ICAB), highlighted the paradigm shift that the approval of the Organic Law for the Comprehensive Protection of Children and Adolescents against Violence (LOPIVI) in 2021, which recognized that minors have the right to live free of violence in any sphere of their lives, with a totally comprehensive approach. However, the Minister expressed “the importance of continuing to develop it” to achieve the full implementation of concrete and effective measures to eradicate vicarious violence and violence against children. In this regard, she announced the creation of a working group together with the organizers of this III State Meeting. 

The Minister also highlighted what the feminist movement has been advocating for years: that an abuser cannot be a good father. “In the face of denialist discourses, creating spaces like this that promote dialogue, bring positions closer together, and further strengthen our network only evidences the success and strength of the movement,” she concluded. 

The opening event also included the presence of the Minister of Equality and Feminisms of the Generalitat of Catalonia, Tània Verge Mestre; the Government Delegate against Gender Violence, Carmen Martínez Perza, and the Ombudsperson of Catalonia, Esther Giménez-Salinas.

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