Legal Notice is an internet domain owned by the Ministry of Youth and Childhood (CIF S-2801503-J). Paseo del Prado, 18-20 28014 Madrid.

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Its content is merely informative and lacks binding legal effects for the Administration.

The total or partial reproduction, modification, distribution, and communication of the information available on this website is authorized, except for content with intellectual or industrial property rights held by third parties. 

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  • The distortion of the nature of the information content is not authorized.
  • The user must indicate the source and the date of the documents used.
  • This website does not collect personal data from users without their knowledge, nor does it transfer them to third parties. The personal data subject to processing are obtained and processed in accordance with Regulation EU/2016/679, of April 27, 2016, General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR).

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