Submission of Applications through the General Electronic Registry (REG)

As long as the electronic headquarters of the Ministry of Youth and Childhood is not operational, Order JUI/893/2024, of August 20th, which creates the associated electronic headquarters of the Ministry of Youth and Childhood, the electronic submission of writings and requests related to procedures and formalities under the competence of this Department that are not covered in the previous headquarters must be submitted through the General Electronic Registry of the General State Administration by attaching the form templates provided for this purpose as stated in the procedure bases if applicable.

The General Electronic Registry of the General State Administration is a registry for the submission of Generic Instances and documents for processing intended for any administrative body of the General State Administration, public organization, or Entity linked or dependent on them, in accordance with the provisions of Law 39/2015, of October 1, of the Common Administrative Procedure of Public Administrations.

To carry out the registration, you must have a Electronic DNI or an Electronic Certificate in force.

Access to the REG

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