Consultative Council and International Organizations

International Adoption Advisory Council

The International Adoption Advisory Council was created by Royal Decree 521/2005, of May 13, in accordance with the provisions of article 40.3 of Law 6/1997, of April 14 on the Organization and Functioning of the General State Administration.

Its objectives are :

  • To serve as a channel for participation and collaboration in international adoption matters with the competent Public Administrations of all affected sectors.
  • The permanent analysis of the situation of international adoption in Spain, and the formulation of proposals aimed at developing substantial and procedural improvements in this matter.

Its functions are :

  • The permanent analysis of international adoption in its different areas.
  • The collection and analysis of available information from different national and international sources.
  • The formulation of recommendations and proposals for improving intervention in international adoption.
  • To propose studies and technical reports; the analysis, study, and evaluation of adoption processes, in particular, specific problematic situations and proposals for action.
  • To propose the holding of conferences and seminars for the exchange of good practices and the continuous improvement of processes.
  • To monitor the evolution of international adoption.

It comprises representatives of the Ministries competent in International Adoption, Foreign Affairs, Interior, and Justice. At the regional level, it includes representatives of the competent General Directorates in adoption matters of Autonomous Communities and Cities.

In the associative field, two representatives from accredited bodies for international adoption (hereinafter: OAA), two representatives from adoptive families' associations, and one representative from adoptees' associations participate.

International Adoption Agencies

Hague Conference on Private International Law (33: Convention of May 29, 1993, on Protection of Children and Cooperation in Respect of Intercountry Adoption.)

International Social Service.

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