The program is being structured through various actions.
- The first was the creation of a Digital Training Platform featuring content with a maximum of 90 hours of training and containing materials and teaching guides, which also serves for the monitoring of the project and educational support throughout Spain. A teaching methodology has been developed with content appropriate to each age group (9-11 years, 12-13 years, and 14-17 years) and competency level, ensuring meaningful learning and the acquisition of digital skills according to the European Framework of Digital Competencies DigComp 2.1 from the European Commission.
- Secondly, through the Agreement of the Plenary of the Sectoral Conference on Childhood and Adolescence, held on December 13, 2022, the Proposal for Territorial Distribution to the Autonomous Communities and Cities was approved, amounting to 50 million euros, of funds for training in digital skills for children and adolescents in situations of vulnerability, for the communities and autonomous cities eligible for beneficiaries under the "Digital Skills for Childhood (CODI)" program of the Recovery, Transformation and Resilience Plan. This territorial distribution resulted from the application of the variables for fund distribution by type of investment, aimed at ensuring that resources reach areas with the greatest need and potential impact.
- And thirdly, through Royal Decree 1086/2023, of December 12, regulating the direct granting of subsidies to Third Sector entities for implementing training activities in digital skills for children, adolescents, and vulnerable youth, within the framework of the Recovery, Transformation and Resilience Plan, the Ministry of Youth and Childhood has allocated 97,041,430 euros to twelve Third Sector entities. Given the nature of the activities and their objective, which is to reach a large number of children, adolescents, and young people in situations of social vulnerability, the Ministry of Youth and Childhood has opted for the direct allocation of funds to Third Sector Social Action entities that have sufficient experience, capability, and presence to develop projects of this nature, thereby reaching vulnerable children who otherwise would not benefit from the CODI program. Consequently, it has not been possible to apply competitive mechanisms in granting since these are subsidies financing specific and closed actions, fulfilling milestones set out in the Recovery, Transformation and Resilience Plan.
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