This is a Statistical Bulletin in effect since 2001 following the entry into force of the Organic Law 5/2000, of January 12, regulating the criminal responsibility of minors, which annually offers data on measures imposed on minor offenders, notified and executed by the Autonomous Communities, both detention and open environment. Its frequency is annual.
For the preparation of the Bulletin, the data received directly from the Autonomous Communities and Cities is used, in relation to the application of Organic Law 5/2000. These data are recorded by the various public entities competent in the matter, in accordance with article 45 of the aforementioned law, which establishes in its first section that: “The execution of the measures adopted by the Juvenile Judges in their final judgments is the responsibility of the Autonomous Communities and the Cities of Ceuta and Melilla, in accordance with the twenty-second final provision of Organic Law 1/1996, of January 15, on the Legal Protection of Minors. These public entities will carry out, in accordance with their respective organizational rules, the creation, management, organization, and administration of services, institutions, and programs suitable to ensure the correct execution of the measures provided for in this Law.”
The tool BOLETINF is used for data collection, previously described for the Protection Bulletin, only that instead of being Protection Technicians of the Autonomous Communities responsible for its online completion, it is the Technicians of the juvenile justice system.
The content of the Statistical Data Bulletin of measures imposed on minors in conflict with the Law focuses on the following data: measures notified and executed from art. 7 of Organic Law 5/2000 broken down by age groups and sex; precautionary measures notified and executed throughout the year with breakdown by sex and age groups; extrajudicial mediation measures notified and executed with the same breakdown; and including since 2020 the sections of minors with protection files, execution measures, alternative actions to judicial measures, number of centers and penitentiary system; all with their temporal evolution.

Statistical data bulletin of measures imposed on underage offenders. Bulletin number 18. Data 2018.
Statistical data bulletin of measures imposed on underage offenders. Bulletin number 17. Data 2017.
Statistical data bulletin of measures imposed on underage offenders. Bulletin number 16. Data 2016.
Statistical data bulletin of measures imposed on underage offenders. Bulletin number 15. Data 2015.
Statistical data bulletin of measures imposed on underage offenders. Bulletin number 14. Data 2014.
Statistical data bulletin of measures imposed on underage offenders. Bulletin number 13. Data 2013.
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