The State Strategy for Children's and Adolescents' Rights (2023-2030) is, above all, an exercise of vision, of imagining the future towards which to advance with children and adolescents in our country through public action in the coming years until 2030.
Our vision. Is that all children and adolescents can exercise their rights, enjoy well-being, and develop fully in equal conditions and without discrimination, in healthy, inclusive, and safe environments, free from violence, where their opinions are heard and taken into account.
Our mission. From public action, along with the real and effective participation of children and adolescents; in coordination with the state governments and administrations; hand in hand with the knowledge and experience of the world of thought and the social sector in childhood and adolescence, we are committed to ensuring and making real and effective the rights of all children and adolescents in our country, especially those in the most vulnerable situations, to contribute to achieving their full development and well-being under conditions of justice and equity.

The 8 strategic areas of the plan are:
- active citizenship of children in our democratic society;
- ending child poverty and social exclusion;
- strengthening their integral and equitable development in a healthy environment;
- reinforcing their development in education and culture;
- the right to family, alternative care, and deinstitutionalization;
- the comprehensive protection of children and adolescents against violence;
- the protection and social inclusion of migrant children and adolescents;
- and guaranteeing children's rights in the digital environment.

Deepen children's active citizenship as part of a democratic society
Children and adolescents are holders of their own rights and must be heard in all decisions and matters that affect them as individuals and as a group.
End poverty and social exclusion in childhood and adolescence
Poverty and social exclusion limit or prevent access to and enjoyment of rights, essential services, and opportunities for children and adolescents on equal terms.
Strengthen the integral and equitable development of children and adolescents in a healthy environment
A healthy life approach and the intersection of various rights, as reminded by the Committee on the Rights of the Child, which are interdependent, are necessary for every child and adolescent in our country to reach their full potential.
Reinforce the integral development of childhood and adolescence in the fields of education and culture
Basic education in our country is compulsory and free and corresponds to primary education, compulsory secondary education, and basic vocational training cycles. It comprises ten years of schooling and is regularly developed between the ages of six and sixteen.
Eradicate violence against childhood and adolescence
Violence against children and adolescents constitutes one of the most execrable crimes in our society. Among other consequences, violence can cause anything from disability to physical health problems, learning and school integration difficulties, educational performance problems, affective and emotional disorders, or other mental health disorders, and other health-damaging behaviors such as addictions.
The right to live in family, alternative care, and deinstitutionalization
The family is essential in the development of children and adolescents, and not only because it satisfies basic needs, but because around it and the bonds generated in it pivot the emotional, cognitive, and social development of human beings, their values, and identity.
However, the family is not always a safe environment for the adequate development of each child. When, for various circumstances, in the family environment children's rights are violated, public authorities are obliged to provide protection.
Build a common protection framework for migrant children
The demographic migratory phenomenon affects all areas of the lives of people experiencing it, especially in the case of children and adolescents. The particular needs of foreign-origin children and adolescents in our country must be addressed in this Strategy with measures that guarantee their comprehensive protection and the full exercise of the rights to which they are entitled.
Guarantee the effectiveness of childhood and adolescence rights in relation to the digital environment
Today the digital environment is fundamental for the development of children and adolescents, and it is even more present in our lives following the demands imposed by the COVID-19 pandemic. Through its technologies, the possibilities of education and learning, leisure, social relationships, identity, or well-being of children and adolescents can be advanced or hindered.
Automatically translated with OpenAI from Spanish