The Sectoral Conference on Children and Adolescents, within the framework established in Articles 147 to 152 of Law 40/2015, of October 1st, on the Legal Regime of the Public Sector, is the cooperation body between the General State Administration, the Autonomous Communities, the Autonomous Cities of Ceuta and Melilla, and the Local Administration, through the Spanish Federation of Municipalities and Provinces, in the implementation of protection and development policies for children and adolescents.
The Sectoral Conference will be headquartered in the Ministry of Youth and Children, which will also provide, as necessary, for the proper functioning of services, technical support to the members of the Sectoral Conference, and management of its Secretariat.
The purpose of the Sectoral Conference is the development of a cooperation, coordination, and collaboration effort among public administrations in the area of protecting and developing the rights of children and adolescents, and to achieve maximum coherence and integration regarding the application of the decisions taken in the matter, without prejudice to the work developed by other sectoral conferences.
- In general
Pursue the coherence and complementarity of activities carried out by public administrations in the field of protection and development of the rights of children and adolescents. Achieving a greater degree of effectiveness and efficiency in the identification, formulation, and execution of policies, programs, and projects promoted by different public administrations concerning children and adolescents.
Participate in the development, monitoring, and implementation of state plans and programs that are articulated for the execution of policies that include the scope of action of protection and development policies for children and adolescents, as well as conducting monitoring and evaluation of the execution of existing norms and plans.
Be informed about the draft laws and regulations projects of the national government or autonomous community governments when they directly affect the area of competence of other public administrations or when it is so provided in the applicable sectoral regulations, either through its Plenum or through the Sectoral Commission or the working group mandated for this purpose.
Establish and promote specific strategies and cooperation plans among public administrations in the corresponding sectoral matter, seeking the elimination of duplications, and achieving better efficiency of public services.
Exchange information about the actions programmed by different public administrations, in the exercise of their competencies, that may affect other administrations.
Provide a channel for coordination with public entities for the protection of children regarding the policies of children's and adolescents' rights, to consult with them on these matters and to adopt agreements, if necessary.
Set objective criteria that serve as the basis for the territorial distribution of the affected budget credits and monitor the programs developed by the Autonomous Communities charged to these credits, as well as their distribution at the beginning of the fiscal year, in accordance with what is provided in Law 47/2003, of November 26, General Budgetary.
Establish mechanisms for exchanging good practices and information for studies, especially statistical content, surveys, research, and national-level campaigns relating to the protection and development of rights of children and adolescents.
Facilitate information to the autonomous communities about international treaties and actions of international organizations in the field of protection and development of rights of children and adolescents.
Analyze and make proposals on those issues that require the adoption of agreements between the General State Administration and Public Entities, under the provisions of the International Adoption Law.
Approve the distribution of the maximum number of international adoption files and the basic model of standardized contract between accredited bodies and persons offered for adoption.
Any other actions that contribute to ensuring the necessary cooperation, coherence, and efficiency and, if applicable, the articulation of the activity of different administrative levels.
- Specific in matters of comprehensive protection for children and adolescents against violence
The participation of Public Administrations in the development of the Strategy for the Eradication of Violence against Children and Adolescents, which will be promoted by the ministerial department that has the competencies in child policies, in line with the Spanish Strategy for Children and Adolescents' Rights.
Submit to the Government the proposal for approval of the Strategy for the Eradication of Violence against Children and Adolescents, which will be accompanied by an economic report identifying budget applications from which it will be funded.
Agree on the necessary means to guarantee the effective exercise of rights provided in Title I of Organic Law 8/2021, of June 4, on Comprehensive Protection for Children and Adolescents against violence.
Agree on the requirements and conditions to guarantee the existence and support for electronic communication means, such as toll-free helplines for children and adolescents, as well as their awareness by civil society.
Agree on appropriate mechanisms to ensure confidentiality, protection, and security of people who have informed the authorities about situations of violence against children and adolescents.
Agree on specific information campaigns and actions that are evaluable and evidence-based, aimed at raising public awareness about children and adolescents' right to be treated well, as well as specific awareness campaigns to promote safe and responsible internet use, from a perspective of leveraging opportunities and positive use, incorporating the perspective and opinions of the children and adolescents themselves.
Establish plans and prevention programs for the eradication of violence against children and adolescents that will include specific measures in family, educational, health, social services, new technologies, sports and leisure, and security forces and bodies, within the strategy for eradicating violence against children and adolescents.
Participate in the development, monitoring, and follow-up of initial and continuous training programs for professionals whose activities require regular contact with children and adolescents to detect violence against them early and that this violence can be communicated in accordance with the provisions of Articles 15 and 16 of Organic Law 8/2021, of June 4, on Comprehensive Protection for Children and Adolescents against violence.
Agree on recommendations to ensure comprehensive attention to children and adolescents victims of violent crimes and, in any case, crimes of sexual nature, trafficking, or gender violence for their recovery through specialized services.
Any other actions that contribute to ensuring the development of Organic Law 8/2021, of June 4, on Comprehensive Protection for Children and Adolescents against Violence, as well as agreeing on the necessary measures to ensure its effective execution and implementation.
The Sectoral Conference on Children and Adolescents will be structured as follows:
- The Plenum.
- The Sectoral Commission on Children and Adolescents, as a general support and advisory body.
- The Working Groups that are constituted.
Operating Regulations of the Sectoral Conference on Children and Adolescents
- The Plenum
- The Plenum of the Sectoral Conference on Children and Adolescents is constituted by:
- Presidency: will correspond to the person holding the Ministry of Youth and Children, who also holds the Presidency of the Sectoral Conference.
- First Vice-Presidency: one of the holders of the Ministries of the Autonomous Communities and the Cities of Ceuta and Melilla.
- Second Vice-Presidency: the person holding the position of the High Commissioner against Child Poverty.
- Members:
- Holders of the Ministries of the Autonomous Communities who have assigned responsibilities in child and adolescent protection and development policies;
- One representative from each of the Basque Foral Deputations designated by them, one from each of the Balearic Islands Consells, and one from each insular Cabildo, with voice but without vote.
- One representative, with at least the rank of Director General, from the Ministry of Inclusion, Social Security, and Migrations, the Ministry of Health, the Ministry of Equality, the Ministry of Justice, the Ministry of the Interior, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, European Union and Cooperation, and the Ministry of Education and Vocational Training, with voice but without vote.
- The person in charge of the General Directorate for the Rights of Children and Adolescents, with voice but without vote.
- The holders of the General Directorates of the Youth Institute, Family Diversity and Social Services, and Rights of Persons with Disabilities, with voice but without vote.
- A representative from the Spanish Federation of Municipalities and Provinces, who must be an elected official.
- Secretary: the person holding the Technical General Secretariat of the Ministry of Youth and Children, with voice but without vote.
- The Plenum of the Sectoral Conference on Children and Adolescents is constituted by:
- The Sectoral Commission on Children and Adolescents
- The Sectoral Commission comprises:
- On the part of the General State Administration: the person holding the position of Secretary of State for Youth and Children and the head of the Secretary of State for Youth and Children's Cabinet.
- On the part of the Autonomous Communities and Autonomous Cities of Ceuta and Melilla: one representative for each of them with at least the rank of the head of the General Subdirectorate responsible for matters concerning children and adolescents.
- Additionally, a representative designated by the Spanish Federation of Municipalities and Provinces will attend the meetings of the Sectoral Commission.
- The Presidency may convene extraordinarily, on its initiative or proposal of any of the members, senior officials of the Ministry of Youth and Children, other ministerial departments, and other public administrations, with voice but without vote, when the nature of the matters to be treated justifies or advises their presence.
- The Presidency of the Sectoral Commission corresponds to the person holding the position of Secretary of State for Youth and Children, who may be replaced, in cases of absence, vacancy, or illness, by the head of the Secretary of State for Youth and Children's Cabinet.
- The Secretariat of the Sectoral Commission will be assumed, with voice but without vote, by the person holding the position of Director General of the Rights of Children and Adolescents, who may be replaced, in cases of absence, vacancy, or illness, by a public employee of the Secretary of State for Youth and Children appointed by the Secretary of State for Youth and Children. Furthermore, the Undersecretary of the Ministry of Youth and Children, or its dependent entities, may attend meetings when the matter falls within its competence.
- The Sectoral Commission will be validly constituted when the persons holding the Presidency and the Secretariat are present, and at least the majority of the representatives of the Autonomous Communities and Autonomous Cities of Ceuta and Melilla are present.
- Both representatives from the General State Administration and the Autonomous Communities representatives may be assisted in each meeting, with voice but without vote, by technical or expert personnel on the subjects to be discussed designated by themselves.
Article 13. Functions
- The Sectoral Commission will exercise the following functions:
- The preparation of the Sectoral Conference meetings by discussing the issues included in the agenda.
- Following up on the agreements adopted by the Sectoral Conference.
- Monitoring and evaluating the working groups constituted.
- Any other functions assigned by the Sectoral Conference.
- The Sectoral Commission will always meet before the meetings of the Sectoral Conference on Children and Adolescents, without prejudice to its convening more frequently to reinforce cooperation between the General State Administration and the Autonomous Communities in the area of protection and development policies for children and adolescents.
- The Sectoral Commission on Children and Adolescents will be governed, as applicable, by the procedural rules provided for the Sectoral Conference.
- The Sectoral Commission comprises:
- Year 2024
- Year 2023
Conformity with the proposal for submission to the Council of Ministers of the State Strategy on Children's and Adolescents' Rights 2023-2030 project. (March 29, 2023)
- Year 2022
Approval of the submission proposal to the Council of Ministers of the "Strategy for the Eradication of Violence against Children and Adolescents" project. (November 8, 2022)
Approval of the "Contingency Management Model for Unaccompanied Children and Adolescents." (September 30, 2022)
Agreement on the action plan against the sexual exploitation of children and adolescents in the protection system. (May 5, 2022)
- Year 2021
Agreement on the implementation plan of Organic Law 8/2021, of June 4, on Comprehensive Protection for Children and Adolescents against Violence. (November 15, 2021)
You can find information about the meetings of the Sectoral Conferences by accessing this website.
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