Andrea García Vidal
Technical General Secretary
The Technical General Secretariat performs the functions attributed to it by Article 65 of Law 40/2015, of October 1st, of the Legal Regime of the Public Sector and other current regulations. In particular, it is responsible for the competencies related to the coordination of regulatory production, legal assistance and publications, preparation of reports on regulatory projects and monitoring of autonomous provisions, coordination of actions related to matters submitted to the deliberation of Government collegiate bodies, processing of publications and agreements, relations with the organs of the Administration of Justice, monitoring and coordination of preliminary rulings and contentious proceedings with the European Union as well as the preparation of agreements and international instruments, in addition to those related to common services as provided for in the Department's structural Royal Decree.
Academic Background
Degree in Law from the National Distance Education University and a Bachelor's Degree in Translation and Interpretation from the University of Salamanca.
She has completed a Master's Degree in European Political and Administrative Studies at the College of Europe in Bruges, a Master's in International Affairs: Economics, Politics, and Law at ICADE, a University Master's in Civil Administration of the State at the Menéndez Pelayo International University, and the Development Program for Women's Leadership and Management at the School of Industrial Organization.
Career civil servant belonging to the Corps of Civil Administrators of the State.
Professional Experience
Appointed Technical General Secretary of the Ministry of Youth and Childhood by Royal Decree 889/2023, of November 22nd.
Deputy Technical General Secretary at the Ministry of Universities (2020-2023).
Technical Advisor in the support unit of the Technical General Secretariat of the Ministry of Economic Affairs and Digital Transformation (2020).
Technical Advisor in the Office of Coordination and Regulatory Quality at the Ministry of the Presidency, Relations with the Courts and Equality (2017-2020).
Previously worked as a consultant specializing in the public sector at international consulting firms, performed technical assistance tasks at the General Secretariat for the European Union at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Cooperation during the Spanish Presidency of 2010, and has carried out stints at the European Commission and the United Nations (2008-2015).
Personal Profile
Born in Vigo in 1985.
Languages: English, French, Galician, knowledge of Portuguese and Italian.
Automatically translated with OpenAI from Spanish