- Directory
- Minister - Sira Abed Rego Curriculum vitae
- Secretary of State for Youth and Childhood - Rubén Pérez Correa Curriculum vitae
- Undersecretary of Youth and Childhood - Rafael Escudero Alday Curriculum vitae
- Technical General Secretariat - Andrea García Vidal Curriculum vitae
- Director General for the Rights of Children and Adolescents - Sandra Gómez de Garmendia Cuetos Curriculum vitae
- Director of the Youth Institute (Injuve) - Margarita Guerrero Calderón Curriculum vitae
- Royal Decree 829/2023, of November 20, restructuring the ministerial departments.
- Royal Decree 1009/2023, of December 5, establishing the basic organic structure of the ministerial departments.
- Royal Decree 1230/2023, of December 29, amending Royal Decree 829/2023, of November 20, restructuring the ministerial departments.
- Royal Decree 211/2024, of February 27, developing the basic organic structure of the Ministry of Youth and Childhood.
- Order JUI/833/2024, of July 30, creating and regulating the Internet Portal of the Ministry of Youth and Childhood
- Orden JUI/893/2024, of August 20, by which the associated electronic headquarters of the Ministry of Youth and Children is created.
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