The Ministry of Youth and Childhood is the ministry department responsible for implementing government policies related to the protection, promotion, and comprehensive defense of the rights of children and adolescents, as well as preventing situations of need that minors may encounter.
Head: Sira Abed Rego
The Ministry consists of the following bodies:
- State Secretariat for Youth and Childhood.
- Directorate-General for the Rights of Children and Adolescents.
- General Subdirectorate for the Promotion of the Rights of Children and Adolescents.
- General Subdirectorate for Childhood and Adolescence Programs.
- Directorate-General for the Rights of Children and Adolescents.
- Subsecretariat for Youth and Childhood.
- Technical Secretariat-General.
- Deputy Technical Secretariat-General
- General Subdirectorate for Resources, International Relations and Publications.
- General Subdirectorate for Personnel, Service Inspection, and Coordination.
- General Subdirectorate for Economic Management, Budget Office, and General Affairs.
- Division of Information Technologies and Services.
- Technical Secretariat-General.
More information about the organization of the Ministry
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