Anti-Fraud Communication

This electronic communication line is merely a tool available to the public so that any person can report any suspicion of fraud, corruption, or conflicts of interest of which they are aware within the framework of the Ministry of Youth and Childhood's own competences. It is for this reason that this communication form is anonymous, so the person reporting their suspicions about certain events does not have to identify themselves, only needing to provide a description of the events and, if applicable, the documentation they consider appropriate to support their arguments.

Information can also be transmitted by sending an email to or by sending a letter by postal mail to the attention of the Undersecretary of the Ministry of Youth and Childhood at Calle Alcalá 27, 28014 Madrid.

Once the communication is received and its content analyzed, necessary actions will be taken to clarify the alleged irregularities, provided that the supplied data allows for verifiable verification of the facts.


The objective scope of this inbox corresponds to the identification of possible actions that may be subject to criminal or administrative reproach, related to fraud, corruption, or conflicts of interest, carried out within the Ministry of Youth and Childhood by its public employees.


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