Institutional Integrity System

Integrity as a Strategy for Legitimization

Integrity is one of the fundamental pillars of political, economic, and social structures and, therefore, it is essential for economic and social well-being, as well as the prosperity of individuals and societies as a whole.

The Ministry of Youth and Childhood strongly commits to developing an effective public integrity policy and thus, along with ongoing actions in transparency and institutional communication, all aimed at ensuring that citizens and civil society perceive a new policy that generates higher levels of trust and affection, has decided to equip itself with an Institutional Integrity System. This System is conceived as an essentially preventive tool, aimed at improving the ethical infrastructure of our public organization, preventing corruption and inappropriate public conduct, and consequently consolidating citizen trust in our institutions.

As a manifestation of this ethical approach that should permeate all the actions of the Ministry of Youth and Childhood, a “Institutional Declaration on Anti-Fraud” is made public.

The Institutional Integrity System of the Ministry of Youth and Childhood integrates all the necessary elements to articulate a true ethical infrastructure:

  • Ethical Code and Conduct
  • Anti-Fraud Measures Plan
  • Dissemination and Training Actions
  • Communication Channel 
  • Anti-Fraud Commission
  • Transparency
  • System Evaluation and Review

Ethical Code and Conduct

This Ethical Code and Conduct is framed within the “Institutional Integrity System of the Ministry of Youth and Childhood” and is configured as a self-regulation instrument, lacking normative value, that has a dynamic character and an essentially preventive and guiding purpose.

Anti-Fraud Measures Plan

The Anti-Fraud Measures Plan of the Ministry of Youth and Childhood is configured as an essential element in avoiding and, if necessary, addressing possible cases of fraud, corruption, and conflict of interest in all its management, especially in actions financed with European funds.

Dissemination and Training Actions

An effective integrity policy must promote the development of as many dissemination and training measures as necessary to convey and teach the values, principles, and norms that comprise the Institutional Integrity System. It is useless to establish principles, values, and norms of conduct and action if the necessary actions are not taken for their recipients to know, internalize, and feel them as their own. 

Within the Department's dissemination and training activities, the inclusion of specific content dedicated to public ethics and institutional integrity is planned both in the welcome programs for new public employees and in the annual training programs for our employees.

Communication Channel

For the proper effectiveness of this entire system, it requires a secure electronic participation channel, allowing any interested party to approach the Administration to make suggestions, complaints, or inquiries, as well as provide information on possible cases of fraud or corruption.

In accordance with this, this Communication Channel materializes through the mailbox:

Anti-Fraud Commission

Within the framework of mechanisms incorporated in the Anti-Fraud Measures Plan, the Anti-Fraud Commission has been created, assuming the role of guarantor body in this Institutional Integrity System concerning fraud and corruption.

The Commission enjoys functional autonomy and is configured as a collegiate body with independence of judgment in its resolutions, thus ensuring its impartiality. In accordance with this nature, its composition and operating regime have been configured.

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